This was a special request from Andrew so i am sure he will be happy to see this chap. It's the Heresy Miniatures "Nerdlord II". Well the town is need of a new doctor.
In case you were wondering where his transport is:-

Taking advantage of the "heatwave" I also decided to knock off the first of the adobe buildings. The church of "St Miguel" for the cowboy adventures south of the Rio Grande. Welcome to the start of "St Serinidad"

It is a Sarissa Precision laser cut MDF piece. I have however completed it with a proper shingle roof - simplicity itself - available for Warbases in a pre cut A4 sheet for £2. It also has a coating of ready mix tie grout to give a proper abode effect. I found a use for all those spare clear individual trifle pots reserved by Mrs D and made window panes as well.
I shall get some better shots later this week.
There has been more work on the next part of the mine, while I wait for some bits to arrive. The second A3 board has been started, and the first has had more colour and drybrushing applied.

I have worked out a plan for lighting ,so just need to order some bits n bobs as well for that.