Today saw another couple of games on the campaign ladder . They were cracking!
Game 7
July 25th - The straits are closed in daylight
2 Me109 , 2 Ju87 v 3 Spitfire to defend the convoy
A vic of Spitfires head to protect a convoy |
I have some new flight stands and have started adding propellor spinners , plenty more to do.
Me109s top cover ahead of 2 Stukas |
Spits focus on the Ju87s |
powering past the fighter escort ... its blaze away at the bombers closing on the convoy |
The Me109 turning circle is proving a problem as they cant get back around tight enough to get at the Spitfires quickly
The Stukas are taking a battering, one is on fire as they scream down to the cargo ships. boom! two ships sunk |
The Spitfires and AA defence did for both Stuka's , but only after dropping their bombs successfully . However the Stuka defensive fire had damaged two Spitfires with engine problems and pilot , P.O. Walker found himself bounced by an Me109 as he tried to turn and head home ., he baled out in the channel
German Victory - 2 Ju87s shot down vs 2 ships sunk, 1 Spitfire shot down .
Campaign Progress
P.O. Cooke claims 2 Ju87 , celebrates with a victory role over his airfield - gets a dressing down around being spread across the airfield like raspberry jam..if hed' been damaged... yadda , yadda.. Fails a promotion board AGAIN...... and no medals again..campaign XP 10
PO.Walker - damaged a JU87 , shot down, baled out into channel, picked up by an RAF launch - Campaign XP 1
P.O. Anderson - was wounded by a JU87 rear gunner , crash landed on return , 2 minor wounds only , misses two turns - now experienced - Campaign XP 2
Ju87 crew , crash into the channel , and await rescue
Game 8
July 27th 1940 Bomb the Luftwaffe
2 Me109 , AA gun , defend the airfield v 2 Hurricanes , 2 Blenheim's
Low level bombing raid on a Luftwaffe airfield in occupied France.
RAF coming in fast and low |
Me109s at height head out to intercept |
p.o. Wallace climbs away from strafing the AA guns and fires at an ME109 |
Pete has placed his AA guns in the direct path . I decided to hit the deck with Hurricanes and strafe these before the Blenheim's had to pass them . Taking a bit of a chance on the ME109's only getting one pass at the Blenheim's before they could bomb. It worked , the AA was knocked out by the strafing of both Hurricanes , they then turned to climb and try and get back to to deal with the fighters. F.O. Thompson seemed to be having trouble with his instruments and proceeded to do a wide turn the opposite way to his wing man P.O Wallace , who was also taking AA MG fire from the airfield as well . But the way was clear of big guns for the Blenheim's.
Bomb on target! take that fritz! |
The ME109s , did little damage on their initial pass Novice Blenheim pilot P.O. Smith dropped his bombs right on target , as did the following P.O. Kelly . The lead aircraft was being peppered by AA MG fire though, and as they turned for home they had to deal with getting away from the ME109's
p.o. Wallace engages a fighter - where the hell is F.O. Thompson. |
PO Smiths Blenheim was next hit hard by me109 cannon fire , and blew up crashing into the ground. Though the defensive fire had inflicted damage on the ME109s
PO Kelly used his "lucky" skill avoid a real hammering on one turn as he raced the Blenheim home |
Things then all went a bit hectic. PO. Wallace was out manoeuvred and took a hammering , he only just "luckily" escaped his cockpit after being initially trapped inside. he floated down on his chute , watching on what happened next..
At this point F.O. Thompson rejoined the fray - his dander was up.. having seen two RAF planes go down. He flew past PO. Kelly toward the lead ME109 , bit fell off it , and down it went... he headed straight to the next one... as it filled his sights he blazed away and down it went too! He turnd for home!
British Victory - 2 successful bomb runs max damage, 2 ME109 shot down , 1 Hurricane , 1 Blenheim shot down.
F.O. Thompson returned home safely after strafing AA guns , and shooting down 2 ME109 - talking up his success secures an immediate promotion to Flight Lt medals though. Campaign XP 10
P.O. Wallace - again luckily manages to evade capture and is assisted bt the resistance, he steals a boat and makes his way across the channel. he will be having words with Thompson.. Campaign XP 2
PO. Kelly and crew , return home safely
P.O. Smith and crew , all very seriously wounded and captured
Lt Hans Franz - shot down, baled out , rescued by infantry unit , severe wounds , horrible scars , miss two turns - Campaign XP 4
Lt Helmut Stienberger , shoots down a Hurricane & Blenheim . Shot down , bales out , no injuries , feted by the commander of a panzer unit . Campaign XP13 - fails promotion, and no extra medals this time - well they didn't stop the airfield being hammered I guess!
British Victories = 4 , German Victories = 4 , Draws 0
These were both brilliant games , hard fought - both of which we ended up surprised by who won !