Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Gaming - D Day - Utah beach

 As part of playing out the 5 invasion beaches this year we revisited Utah beach . We last did this one in 2019 , since then the terrain and my US forces have had some further augmentation. It was good to get the various new items on the table . We met at Pendraken HQ’s gaming room and had the table set up as 16x6 . 


Utah makes an interesting game as of course there is the Para drop behind it . Particularly the 101st at Brecourt , Holdy and St Marie du Mont . They also have to clear the end of causeways 2 and 3 .

The -area drops were pretty scattered as they were historically . Though the quality if the US Paras allows them to pull themselves together and set about their missions . 

The DZ is overshot and the paras are dropped over the town .
The mechanism for the para drops entails being on target for the DZ , plus height and speed , so they can drift a long way depending on the dice rolls - and this happened to most of the troops. Some dropping into flooded areas , or onto built up areas .

Losses are around 50%

Maj Gen Theodore Roosevelt starts the invasion from here ..

Paratroops had landed direct on the Holdy battery taking loses , but making it ineffective 

German caueway 3 defenders 

LCMs delivery the engineering assists on turn 4 

The area around the Grand Chemin at causeway 3 is liberated 

Brecourt Manor

The guns at Brecourt hammered the beach as the paras were widely dispersed 

The beach build up,continues 

US assault units get into the defenders 

It takes a while the breach the sea wall 

LCT’s disgorge more armour in deep wading kit 

Holdy battery is overwhelmed .

Easy Coy Co leads the way at Brecourt Manor

Fully in control of the beach .

The US players had played the Brits at Gold beach a few weeks ago and the lack of Engineering assets in the form of the Funnies was an eye opener for  them at Utah .  They had to use assault infantry at greater cost to get ashore . 

Another great D Day game - next up Juno, but with a different theme , town fighting and the new big 12x6 beach mat will have an outing .


  1. Impressive battle Dave beautifully put together 👍

    1. Cheers - the next one will be different as well , it’s being done on June 6th too .

  2. Great stuff - I think it's appropriate, being the 80th anniversary, to get some D Day based games in this year - I hoping to do so myself, but they won't be anything on this scale! Interesting what you say about the Allied player and the Funnies - that's exactly what the US commanders discovered, to the cost of their infantrymen, eighty years ago - particularly, of course at Bloody Omaha!

    1. Thanks - yes we will do all 5 in some form this year .

  3. Oooo that's looking rather tasty!
