Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Gaming - 7Days to the Rhine

This weekend saw the usual monthly meet up. 7Days seems to have really caught some of the guys interest with new forces being raised - one of the good things is that you dont need loads for a game . We used a 12x6 table with a capture the bridge scenario - this would see Bren and Dave using the newly raised Soviet paratroopers and their air assault helicopters , with a force of Soviet armour racing to the bridge . 

My French would be deployed as the advance screening force and Stigs  new West Germans defending the other side around the industrial complex . 

The big guns dealt with advancing APCs 


AA and then APC autocannons dealt swiftly with the coup de main attempt after the initial assault had looked like it might just work 

Leopard 2 crossing the bridge to reinforce the French who had sold themselves dear .

Who doesn’t like a flight of A10s 

The Soviets didn’t manage to take the bridge , we had enough time to run it again and they tried a more aggressive approach which also failed . They want to play it again ! 


  1. Soviet tank commander looking through binoculars at the bridge to his front, 'It's still up'.

    A10 Thunderbolts fly overhead and proceed to blow the $@#% out of said bridge.

    Soviet tank commander is then heard to mutter, 'No it ain't'.

    - Soviet mission: capture the bridge.
    - NATO mission: don't let them.
    Conclusion: destroy the bridge!

    1. Brens air assault nearly worked - the SAMs didn’t react - and he got to drop the infantry … and chased off most of the French units - though he got a surprise when he found I had parked my APCwith an autocannon in the garage building , popped out and shot the crap out of him with crossfire from the Germans and another one of mine placed to catch him!

    2. Haha, yes, you can just make out the base of the vehicle hidden in the building. Brilliant. I suppose it benefits from correct use of recce troops to find these dangers, but if Bren and David were using VDV don't know what recce elements they would have, except for recce infantry? Another reason why I'm only collecting a French recce force!

  2. This looks like a phenomenal game Dave, obviously finally balanced too by the look of it.
