I have also finished the 3 vac form hills I picked up at York. These were filled with polystyrene packing balls, based on 1/16th ply, given a coat of PVA glue and then had the sand mix sprinkled over. Once dry a few shades of light colours drybrushed on. The steep sides were already textured by the vac form , so these were given a few shades of colour by drybrush too. One all dry I added in some scrub tufts and hit it all with varnish.
These gives an idea of the scale of them against figures.- overall not bad for £9.50 I thought. I will be going for some fully sculpted terrain eventually , but this will do for now.
Next up I wanted to create my own version of the random events deck cards (Carlo does supply cards with the rule set , but i wanted more blanks , and having used Artscow for cards previously they pretty robust , have a shiny look to them , they are cheap and arrive quickly - So i have 2 deck for events and a complete deck of blank for writing up my own or using as blinds . Here is a view from the design section of the software - they are on the way over from Hong Kong at the moment.
The rules use a roster sheet to record casualties and ammunition use. I have made these up into A5 laminated sheets with one for each Imperial unit. I have used a photograph of the unit for recognition and created a slide master on Powerpoint using an 1880's Sudan map as the background.
So its been a busy week. The first play test game is booked in for the 16th April - it wont have all the bells and whistles terrain wise - but I am looking forward to it. Its on my old friend Gerry's big table...check it out at the SITUATION ROOM blog