Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Saturday, 4 November 2023

Necromunda- terrain bits

 Over the last few weeks I have completed some terrain items for our Necromunda set ups . The Underhive market place set from GW and a couple of terrain base squares . I am waiting delivery of some 3d printed traders to add to it .


I picked up a couple of hard plastic floor tiles used for workshop/garage areas and have given these a distressed look that fits in with how James has painted his stuff . We can also use these to put on top of wall sections to give some more height options on our battlefields . 


That’s is for now..


  1. Nicely done Dave I used to really enjoy making 40k terrain out of odds and endsđź‘Ť

    1. It is something nicely different , which is good to do every now and again
