Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Monday 14 October 2024

Gaming - Gettysburg at The Other Partizan

 The weekend saw our group trip to Newark for The Other Partizan show. We put on a Gettysburg game using the 10mm collections. A good team effort with contributions of kit, time and effort across the group.

We were playing out day 2 of the battle 

View from the North 
The table was 12x6 with 3000 figures involved altogether 

View from the South with James and Martin 

The Plum Run with Devils Den and the Round Tops

The first of many assaults on Culps Hill 

Longstreets troops advance at the Peach Orchard

Devils Den falls and Union troops retreat 

The assault up Little Round Top fails 

The Union troops push back down the slopes

Cenmetary Ridge still has a mass of Federal troops in reserve.

The 5th Reb assault takes Culps Hill , the Counterattack pushes then to to back of the hill

The Union held the ground successfully 
Having played it , it really showed the challenges . We will play it through from Day1 some time soon I think 

A good day was had. Lots of interest from people , lots of chatting .i topped up my MDF mountain with bases and box inserts . A quick whizz around the fantastic tables . I need to look out for blogs and videos to see them all .

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Gaming - 7 Days to the river Rhine - Bridge fight

 We have played a few games over the last few weeks with 7 days. With a lot of game play under the belt , it’s started to show up some of the areas we think need improvement. Mortars and Artillery need a proper system and we will work one out . Another change is that you cannot rally off all the accumulated morale hits , we will always carry one . It’s been a little too points focussed , so will move over to scenario and actual unit battles . Overall happy with the system it gives a decent game just needs a little house rules. Hopefully there will be an updated version 2 in the wings . 

The Soviets race toward the bridge 

It was a good excuse to get the extra big bridge completed - this was an e bay purchase of an MDF bridge I found for model railways - it’s a full 2 foot 6 long. 
The Soviets didn’t manage to take the bridge - a little too much focus on a helicopter born assault and not enough ground troops .
We added in using hidden deployment for the NATO Dutch and French units . 

Gerard blown up by Soviet Paras , though the helicopter had been shot down . 
Overall some great gaming has been done .

I have a few items to add to my French battlegroup coming up . Some more Gazelles with 20mm cannon and some AA AMX13s . 

Plus there seems to be a good sale price  on a few French boxes , these will arrive in due course . Leclerc tanks and some VABs transport and support unit .