Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Paint table lurkers - finished AWI Highlanders

I guess like a lot of you there are items in your "to do" list that seem to have been there a long time. In this case it has been a unit of AWI Highlanders that I start 2 and half years ago , and have been picked up , put down, interrupted by illness, injury, and a range of other distractions. Having spent the last few years painting in the main individual figures for skirmish type games the size of this unit at 54 figures was also a factor i think. Anyway as I found myself with more paint table time over the last few weeks (a side benefit of less day job travel) I thought I want to get these done before the winter challenge commences and have a completely clear paint desk without these lads taunting me!

So more Old School shinyness..for DC at "Unfashionably Shiney" to worry those darned Colonials..

All with soldered bayonets. Converted figures to make a drummer and piper and each officer is different with pin swords added.


 Painting tartan under gloss is always fun!

And just a note of thanks for DC for his patience


  1. That's a splendid looking unit! 54 figures! I painted a couple of 48 figure units once - never again!

    1. cheers... er yes i painted a couple of Austrian army corps whihc has 24 lots of 48 figure units many years ago... almost put me off painting for life!

  2. Lovely work Dave, always good to get a lurking unit off your back!!! Superb conversions!

    1. Thanks Paul.. I am sure glad to "tick" it off the list..

  3. Cracking work Dave, I love how you clear more miniatures off your desk in an afternoon than I'm likely to get done over the entire challenge!

    1. ha ha.. in this case several afternoons!

  4. The speed and quality of these scares me to death for our analogue painting challenge Dave. Why don't you just paint some spaceships for the next few months and give Clint and Tamsin some competition. Your pulp figures can wait until next Summer :-)

    1. it did take 2.5 years from starting!!

      my spaceships will all have cloaking devices ;-) , so i will do loads!

  5. Lovely conversion and brushwork. Absolutely stunning.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes.. thought these might catch your eye..

  6. Dave, thank you for YOUR patience! Tackling 54 highlanders is a daunting task, indeed. A task that cannot be taken too lightly.

    Nice conversion work and could idea about reattaching broken bayonets. Say, are those old Frontier figures? They look like could be and remind me of all of the broken bayonets I experienced with Frontier's FPW range.


    1. Cheers, not really sure on the provenance of the figures - they are certainly old though

  7. Great looking Highlanders, and very impressive solder and brass work!

  8. A wonderful unit of Jocks, to be sure! Bravo!

    1. Cheers Curt.. Should scare those rebels.

  9. Fantastic well done - even a unit of 24 highlanders is a bit much for me!

  10. Worth the wait Dave, thanks muchly.

    Now, did i mention the second battalion...... ?

  11. Cheers Doug... Well if i can get it done in less time!

  12. "start 2 and half years ago"
    In our group we refer to this as "letting the paint cure properly"...

  13. They look like Hinchcliffe figures. Very nice brushwork.

    2.5 years isn't very long to complete a unit. I have one that I recently finished, having started it 20 years ago. I sold the partially painted regiment of 1805 Russians about 10 years ago to a friend, and they came back to me for finishing as a result of some bartering.

  14. Thanks DAF.., now you say it i think they might be Hinchcliffe. I still have some stuff that was started 20 years - in the depth of lead pile!
