Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Sunday 23 July 2017

ACW in 10mm - The project kicks off

After what has been a hectic few weeks with family events I am back to some decent  man cave time. I am now working properly on the 10mm ACW project I have in hand, along with some guys from the Old Guard Wargames club. A number of them are making good progress on troops for both sides. I have some Union and Confederate to paint and have started with a Union Brigade. I have also decided to get stuck into the terrain works early so we can get a game on my table or at the club venue.

So here are the first completed items.

10mm infantry and first two buildings by Pendraken

 Snake fencing by "Blotz" - i have about 10 foot of fencing done altogether - its great value for money and really easy to make up. 

Tree by "Busch" from e bay - first of the 4 bags I have are now done. The stream was from Battlefront I think - needs to be made somewhat less bright blue yet though

the mat is an 8 x 4 Deppcut Studios grass plains sourced from Simon Millers Big Red Bat stores.

I have more Union on the table . The second batch of trees is being glued to bases. I have some flexible dirt track on order. I have a pile of 5mm foamboard for making slopes/hills to go under the mat.  Plenty more to come - and the first game in the offing

you can see James's beautifully painted Conderates here


  1. Great stuff Dave, not a period I've collected or painted, but your enthusiasm for it is very infectious. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all turns out as you;re not a chap who does things by halves :-)

    1. Yes I will do a full table set of stuff for it .. actually the smaller size of the terrain items was one of the appeals , as well as the actual choice available.

  2. Now this is a surprise Dave. I look forward to following your progress intently here mate.

    1. Cheers. I did fancy doing something in a mass scale , but without the massive investment!

  3. Great looking project. I find 10mm perfect for gaming the ACW.

    1. Cheers , yes I think it maybe a great scale for it

  4. Looking good ....houses have come out beautifully ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Cheers . You could tell they were next castings , they were really crisp . Glad I got them so early

  5. They look brilliant Dave. Top job

    1. Cheers ,I will be happier when I have some more regiments done ... !

  6. Got 15mm and 28mm. I like the bigger figures because of the detail and character, but the more I see of the 10mm stuff, the more I wish I'd opted for them instead of 15mm. Course there wasn't such good quality 10mm stuff then.
    Lovely work on an interesting project.

    1. Gary, yes I would love to do 28mm , but time and budget constraints dictate otherwise! This looks like a good option , especially as it will all be be brand new from scratch for the project ..I am enjoying it

  7. Lovely work Dave! I really like the 10mm scale - a nice balance of mass and detail.

    1. thanks MR C .. Its something very different , but yes it s a good balance of mass v detail for sure

  8. 10mm is the way to go I think with ACW, look forward to seeing how your project progresses.

  9. They look excellent Dave!!! 1 day I'll get stick into my own 10mm ACW armies.

    1. thanks Paul...I would like to see yours sometime

  10. Very nice, Dave, but where are the camels...?
    ; )

    1. I know.. it's very confusing...

      The Egyptian Camel corps is due t be raised this winter for the Sudan
