Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Sunday, 23 March 2025

Gaming - Ardennes ‘44 - first game

 The collection had a proper run out today . I used the 12x6 set up to maximise playing area and see how the terrain created for the 8x4 set up needs adding too. 

The objective at the far end of the table - Fuel! 

I need another 6-8 feet of roads  to give me extra options 

I have some more conifers to winterise l but that should be enough 

I need to add more to stream set - it only civered 5 feet , I have an extra 3 feet to hand that needs sorting . 


The Yanks blew the bridge early  forcing a detour by the tanks .

The Nuns in the chapel were preparing for trouble 

The Germans advance to the Side if the town having cleared out the defenders 

The spearhead is making back to the road and fuel !

Panzers charge through the village , crushing the AT Gun.

The US engineers are still laying charges as the King Tiger plows into dump .

The cavalry have arrived .

Tiger ! 


Caught by the cavalry - shot in the rear .. boom .


A US victory - but only just ! 

A great first game .

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