Picking up those brushes again.

Hi and welcome to the occasional mutterings of Dave Doc, a military modeller and some time gamer. Gaming and model making has given me a real education, History & Geography(obvious really), Artistry, Politics, Economics, Logistics, Project Management -you try building miniature armies without the last 3.

I will use the blog to record my creations & the odd occasion I actually do some gaming.

I have always been inspired by the aesthetic side of gaming. Playing on well constructed terrain using excellently painted units is always a joy.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Work in Progress update and New Project.

I managed a few sessions last week and am pushing through the last of the paint table lurkers which are some Perry Miniatures Stradiots for Curt the Snowlord . They will be finished this week. I just have the last bit of highlights and the penants to finish off before parcelling up and sending them to the frozen north.

These have lurked on desk a bit too long so good to see them moving along

In addition I have made a small start on my WW2 ETO Americans, with the start of the Sherman tanks. These are by Plastic Soldier and went to together nicely- I have another 17 vehicles to build , and mix of Sherman variants, Start light tanks and the ubiquitous M3 half tracks . I want to get them all built before breaking out the airbrush . I could do with some Tank Destroyer bits, jeeps , armoured cars etc . The current plan is to use for Battlegroup rules with some of the lads from the Old Guard .

I will also be doing some prep work this week for the upcoming challenge with a few large units for the Sudan project in the offing. I have a few small parcels still to arrive with some extra lead mountain supplies for the winter. 

Oh and I would like to confirm that my Secret Santa present has turned up... and I eagerly await opening day! 


  1. Great progress Dave busy and productive and you havenā€™t even started the challenge šŸ˜±

  2. Ohh Tanks! Looking forward to more of these.

  3. Great stradiots. The Perry figures are fine sculpts, well done.

    1. cheers - hard work mind! but getting there

  4. Oooh, can't wait to get my frozen fingers on those Stradiots. More light cavalry to romp around Italy - joy!

    1. indeed . I am sure they will run away at the first opportunity!

  5. Great looking stradiots mate!

  6. Gosh, you never stop, do you :-) ? That's a lot of Shermans!

    1. got to keep busy! its been a while since I dd any tanks so thought why not..
